#PhoneTap with A-Game | @IAMAGAME1


St. Louis emcee Anthoney Ellis better known as A-Game, became a student of the game early, growing up in one of the city’s most impoverished, crime infested neighborhoods, but it was his music that resonated beyond his surroundings; making him both a music, political and social icon amongst Midwest millennials.

His album, My City Made Me A Monster, will be hitting the streets soon on the Thyck Clyck Entertainemnt label featuring his hit single, “I Can’t Tell”. 

I speak with the STL native about music, his new album and life on this episode of #PhoneTap.

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Follow Shamika Sykes on Twitter and be sure to check out NevaSayNeva Sundays from 3-6PM on Bushwick Radio! Download the app on iTunes & Google Play! Stay tuned for Miss Indie coming soon!


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