She Came, She Saw, She Twerked: Halo The Human Beasts On Miley Cyrus Diss | @HaloTheHuman


Hailing from Fresno, CA, lyricist Halo the Human releases a visual for “Don’t Miss” featuring Rich the Kid in the ultimate retaliation to Miley Cyrus’ dis of the Hip Hop scene. Directed by Otis Reed, the satiric video exploits Miss Montana’s abuse of urban culture, much in the manner she exploited Hip Hop.

“She came, she saw, she twerked, [acted like a whore] and abused the culture, then decided to criticize the genre that she reaped the benefits of,” explained Monarch Tort Group’s CEO Jason Duarte.

Duarte describes the timing of the video release as ‘perfect’ in light of Cyrus’ newfound interpretation of hip hop as misogynistic and materialistic. Which is ironic because she was one of its main offenders.

The comedic visual takes creative license by literally leaving her the way we found her when Hip Hop gave relevance with to her failed-twerker alter ego.

Shit hit the fan with the defunct trap queen made comments to Billboard that went something like: “But I also love that new Kendrick [Lamar] song [“Humble”]: “Show me somethin’ natural like ass with some stretch marks.” I love that because it’s not, “Come sit on my dick, suck on my cock.” I can’t listen to that anymore. That’s what pushed me out of the hip-hop scene a little. It was too much “Lamborghini, got my Rolex, got a girl on my cock” — I am so not that.”

Halo the Human calls “Bullsh*t” to Cyrus’ claims of gravitating to more consciousness rap, when not too long ago she was gravitating to the nearest crotch, sporting gold grills, using black dancers as props, and black producers like Mike Will Made it mix up her cool-aid when it suited her. writer Preston Mitchum describes Miley as a “cultural tourist too busy taking selfies to immerse herself in her surroundings and actually learn something, only sees hip-hop as “money, cash, hoes,” because that’s the music in which she intentionally trafficked.”

He points out that there are celebrities like Miley Cyrus. These are the so-called artists who have spent so much of their careers exploiting black people for profit that their “evolution” is nothing more than a transparent attempt to regain trust from white people, especially in the Trump era, where white-identity politics reign supreme.

Mitchum further noted that white artists like Katy Perry, Justin Timberlake and Miley Cyrus “slum it” with the “niggas,” then get all cleaned up and go back to the big house with Mommy and Daddy. All the while, black people are harmed, but the people who effectuated that harm has no accountability. That isn’t evolution; it’s white supremacist capitalist manipulation.”

“Don’t Miss” is the ultimate clap back putting the worn-out county girl in her place; discarded on the side of the road. Check out “Don’t Miss” and other Halo the Human music on Soundcloud, Spotify and iTunes.


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